Emotional Intelligence: A Transformational Approach to College Success
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1904-9
A Qualitative Study of the Socio-emotional Experiences and Perceptions of the Youngest Participants in High-Stakes Testing
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1905-6
A study of unsupervised classification in a topographically diverse region of north-central British Columbia
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1907-0
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1913-1
The Search for a New Perspective on Researching Consumer Behaviour
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1914-8
Knowledge, Perception, Family support and Accessibility to treatment and services
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1891-2
The Case of Nanoconstrictions and Nanomagnets with Localized Current Injection
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1921-6
Real Exchange Rate Behavior
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1923-0
A critical assessment of CGT as a South African fiscal policy tool
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1919-3
National Philosophy as a Reflection upon National Consciousness
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-05-22) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8383-1965-0
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