LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

213103 Prodotti




LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1260-6

59,00 €
Omni badge Chinese Medicine and Wilhelm Reich

An Analysis of Chinese Medical and Reichian Theories of Life Force And Experimental Orgone- Acupuncture Study


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1249-1

59,00 €
Omni badge Empowering Small Entrepreneurs by Islamic Banks

A study of lender-borrowers network relationships between small entrepreneurs and different financing organizations

Andamento gestionale (management)

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (25.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1241-5

79,00 €
Omni badge Making sense of CSCW: A taxonomy of terminology

Making sense of Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A taxonomy of terminology


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (24.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1221-7

79,00 €
Omni badge Learning Primary Science

Developing Science Process Skills in a Web-based Learning Environment

Pedagogia scolastica, didattica, metodologia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (24.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1225-5

79,00 €
Omni badge Hill tribes struggling for a land deal

Participatory land use planning in northern Thailand amid controversial policies

Pianificazione urbanistica, spaziale e del paesaggio

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (23.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1218-7

79,00 €
Omni badge Numerical analysis of the seismic behavior of earth dams

SubtitleInfluence of plasticity and pore water pressure

Tecnologia meccanica, tecnologia di produzione

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (23.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1215-6

49,00 €
Omni badge Metaphor,Image,and Image Schemas in Second Language Pedagogy

The acquisition of metaphorical expressions,idioms,and proverbs by Chinese learners of English

Scienze linguistiche e letterature

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (23.08.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-1214-9

79,00 €

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