Our Knowledge Publishing

28562 Termékek

Omni badge Equality of the parties in arbitration in the OHADA area

Examination of the judicial balance before an institutional private justice system

Kereskedelmi és üzleti jog

Our Knowledge Publishing (21.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-92495-5

1.342,04 NT$
Omni badge Teaching Extensive Reading in English Lessons

Teaching Extensive Reading in Middle English Lessons


Our Knowledge Publishing (20.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-91297-6

952,53 NT$
Omni badge Vector of the partnership - China

Collection of articles

Politika és gazdaság

Our Knowledge Publishing (20.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-89860-7

1.483,68 NT$
Omni badge Stakes betweenfashion-tech and well-being

The role of"wearables" in the resistance of COVID-19


Our Knowledge Publishing (20.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-91268-6

1.483,68 NT$
Omni badge Indoor Radon Gas

Exposure of LR115 and CR39 detectors at different distances from a wall

Atomfizika, nukleáris fizika

Our Knowledge Publishing (20.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-89558-3

952,53 NT$
Omni badge Philosophy

Lecture notes


Our Knowledge Publishing (20.10.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-64193-7

952,53 NT$

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